
admin 68 2022-11-05 20:54:18




1.寒暄语 Are we all on? 大家都在吗?Can I ask that we all state our names, please? 我们大家先说下各自名字吧。I’m here. It’s [your name] in [your city]. 我在线哦。我是来自(某某城市)的(某某)。

in it on time with your notebook.Those who can’t attend it please keep me informed before the 28th . That’s all.Thank you.[ 66 words]Announcer: The sales manager Time: November 26th 祝你开心如意!

参加商务会议不要介绍自己的私人生活,而要从以下几个方面考虑:姓名、职务、工作背景、对会议的期望、认为比较有趣的一件小事等。例如:Good evening. I am Li Ming。



1. 对方声音小听不清楚

You’re very faint. Can you speak up a bit?

商务会议英语范文一 A: OK, we've heard from Morris about the situation. The choices facing us are to go ahead with the launch of the TomK brand and risk losing this very valuable customer。

I'd just opened the meeting.会议刚开始。Great. Remind me what the first item on the agenda is? Stock.很好,提醒我一下第一件会议要事是什么? 库存。Stock? Stock, stock, stock. Ah yes。

2. 对方声音断断续续

英文商务邮件必懂句型 1. Greeting message 祝福 Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。 How are you? 你好吗? How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗? 2。

You’re breaking up.

3. 有回音

There’s an echo on the line.

4. 信号很差

a meeting can run smoothly(顺利地). The most typical complaint about meetings is that they run too long. Meetings that run longer than necessary can be very costly to a company or business。


Sorry,商务英语会议流程,it’s a really bad line.

好了,接下来看小编今天给大家分享的内容之BEC商务英语会议常用语总结:会议开始。表示会议开始时使用的示例 Right, everyone has arrived now, so let’s get started.好了,大家都到了,我们开始吧。


I haven’t got a very good signal.

5. 对方语速太快

Could you slow down a bit? We’re having problems following you.

6. 我先挂断再打过来

I’ll hang up and (try again later/go outside to call/call you on the landline用座机打给你)

Hold on while I go somewhere quieter.等等我找个安静的地方/Hang on… Is that better?好点了吗?



